Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 37: Awake from my slumber....

Well I'm back after my cold - yippee!

It was just a cold, but I think I made the mistake of continuing fully with the exercises instead of giving myself a break and I believe for that I paid a price.

On day 5 of the cold I was so tired that I slept for a couple of hours in the afternoon.

I w a s j u s t s o t i r e d.

But when I awoke I felt so much better. No PCP workout that day either and I think that was a good decision because the next day I was all better again :)

Actually, towards the end of last week I was feeling a bit disillusioned with the PCP and fed up with the diet. And quite frankly, annoyed with Patrick. I just didn't see any visual improvement and why was I getting a stinking cold??? I should just do things my own way!

BUT, I must say, after I recovered from my cold I felt AMAZING! My friends and I went out on Saturday night. I was the only sober person, of course.

We stayed out late and I was SO full of energy!

When I first stopped drinking I found going out in the evenings boring and I'd get tired around 10.30. I'm finding that now, I just don't get that fatigue anymore.

I'm not saying I can stay up all night or anything; when it's bedtime I get sleepy like anyone else but I just feel more in control of it.

When I am awake, I'm really awake!

And if I'm not yet ready to go to sleep, I don't get sleepy. It's weird. I cant explain it. But I know I feel good.

And I kind of exaggerated about not seeing any differences. This week, other than the high energy levels, I've noticed real physical change; my muscles, especially in my arms are very noticeable to the touch (I still can't beat my boyfriend in an arm wrestle but he is about 6ft 3, so I've come to terms with that.)

And actually, some trousers I haven't worn in about a year are about an inch and a half too big around the waist.

Also my asana, when I get round to doing some yoga, just feels deeper and stronger. I'm much more confident when going into a pose and holding it. Even though I haven't been doing as much yoga lately, I somehow can still get to some good deep stretches.

And I was really please after I saw my weekly photo (I was secretly dreading it!) but I can SO notice the difference now.

So I've finally woken from my slumber and have a new lease of life!....

Other things;
(i)5 eggs a day? WHAT?! That's all I'm saying,

(ii) Pistol squats are EEEEEVIL (also strangely fun (?)) and,

(iii) Bicycle is such a killer!!

What mean masochist invented these torture techniques?


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling tip top, and WOW, you're looking great, Naomi! You've got some fabdominals working, too!

    I'm noticing the same thing in Yoga poses (when I have a chance to practice). Much deeper stretches, with significantly more precision and control. Now that my legs are stronger, my Dancer and Dhanurasana are so open. It's great! I just wish I had more time to practice, 'cause it does help mind management.

    Keep it up!

  2. You do look great, Naomi! Look at those muscles!

    Glad you're feeling better! I'm with you on the ups and downs. I'm finding that the routine keeps me going because it's so ingrained in my daily life now.

    Haha, the bicycle killed me too. Hey, speaking of arm wrestling, maybe when this is over, we should all get together for a PCP international arm wrestling competition...

  3. What you described (disillusionment) happens to everyone Naomi, and is a perfectly natural thing. The difference is that most people give up at the disillusionment week and don't push through to see the results that come just a few days later. Keep going!
