Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 29: One whole month done! And autumn's really here.

So, I live in an arty, bohemian town in North East London and I'm lucky enough to live by Broadway Market where I headed on Saturday to collect my treat.

(Oh look, there's my yoga studio in the background behind the florist!)

I already knew my indulgence was going to be a cupcake from my favourite stall in Broadway Market.

Naturally, I had to go for the lemon vanilla cupcake which is my favourite, but you can see that the choice is overwhelming and it took my about 5 minutes to decide which one I wanted.

I really enjoyed eating it actually, but afterwards I felt so underwhelmed by the lack of satisfaction.

I felt guilty because; a)I had been doing so well without sugary snack and I kind of felt let I'd gone off track a bit b) it wasn't satisfying at all! I much prefer my yoghurt and berry milkshake!

I also felt a bit 'speedy', presumably from the intense sugar rush which my body probably didn't miss at all. Now I know how kids feel when you give them a Mr. Whippy and they start instantly going mental around the house or garden - beating up their younger siblings! (I started play-wresting with a friend and I fell and cracked my elbow onto the corner of the Play Station 2, Owch! It hurt so much!)

The worst thing, which I'm now over, is that for a few hours afterwards, I started craving sweet and salty snacks. Up until now I haven't done so, but as soon as I re-introduce sugar, my body says "Yeah, I remember that! Can I have some more please?". I got a bit moody afterwards and felt a bit deprived.

I'm glad to say I'm back on track now. I can watch my boyfriend munch mini orange KitKats all weekend and I don't feel envious at all.

I've picked up a bit of a cold though. The temperature in the UK has dropped noticeably in the last few days and it's much sharper. It's clear that autumn is here.

[London Fields]

I've gone all sneezy and have a bit of a sore throat - Gimme sympathy!

But seriously, I'm fine, I'm eating more oranges than before and summer berries so I'm sure that will help!

PS. Well done to the rest of my team, we've done 1 whole PCP month! YAY!


  1. I love your comment about knowing how kids must feel after eating sugar. Haha, it's so true! And we wonder why they won't behave??

    Don't worry, I feel sorry for you and your cold! I have the sniffles too. But I feel like they're going away way faster than normal. Feel better soon!

    One month down—way to go!

  2. Forget your elbow, was the Playstation ok!?

  3. The stupid Play Station hurt my elbow so much I couldn't even do the double katana with my right arm. SO painful!!

  4. Love the photos! One of these days I'll make it to London!

  5. I missed this entry the first time, but seeing those lovely snapshots makes this soggy Friday much better! Thanks for sharing those.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  6. Hey Naomi,

    We are just getting our first real taste of autumn here in Houston, TX. Our seasons are not distinct, so it is hard to tell. But, long sleeves finally seem appropriate for a few days. Enjoy the good weather.

    Great to see you listening to you body and learning what responses you get from certain foods. This will stay with you long after the PCP. Umm... watch out for those dangerous Play Stations?! Ouch!

  7. Hi Naomi. My name is Sean Anderson. I'm a former PCPer, and I wanted to do this sooner, but I just wanted to wish you luck on your program. You're going to find, even with it's tough days, joining the PCp is one of the best decisions you ever made in your life.

    Great pics by the way, and, yes, was the Playstation okay? ;-)

    Oh, and, here you go: SYMPATHY! SYMPATHY! SYMPATHY!

    Keep up the good work!
