Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The final day

Hi everyone. It's great to read all of your final day posts and it was equally great partaking in the PCP with you all.

This is just a quick final post to let you all know how I'm doing. I've not been anywhere near a PC for a few days as I was staying in a forest in a hill station in southern India for the past five days. It's been totally blissful.

Anyway, day 90 came and went with surprising ease. The exercises has become second nature and I am still skipping about 6 out of 7 days a week. It's so easy to fit it into my travelling day, even with treks and other activities.

The final few days of the PCP were on the whole more challenging that the first few days. Mainly because I had got into a routine which I felt in control of and the travelling, lack of Internet, and being unable to prepare my own food had kind of caused havoc to my routine.

But suffice to say I am extremely proud of myself for completing the PCP and so are those around me. It has given me a new appreciation for good food and has taught me the most effective ways of keeping my body healthy.

Thanks to Chen and Patrick for all your knowledge and mentoring and I would love to do the advanced PCP next year!

I'll be able to get some photos up in a few days time!

Over and out!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 85: Namaste!

Just a quick post to say 'hi' to my fellow PCPers, looks like you're all still going strong.

I'm finding it hard to keep to the diet as much as I was at home, I can't get a hold of enough fish portions as most restaurants where I'm staying at the moment don't even serve fish. I think it's because we're staying quite in-land (Rajasthan) and so it's probably difficult to get hold of fish from here. We're also constantly on the move as we're from city to city every two days so routine is tough. But the PCP psychology is still there!!

We're heading to Kerala soon for the rest of the month so that will make things easier to maintain the PCP lifestyle.

Namaste, for now!

P.s. Visited the Taj Mahal today - AMAZING!