I'm escaping the dull, damp English weather next month and I'm off to India on 4 December and won't be home for a month. Yay! I can't wait!

Being half Indian and having never setting foot in India, this trip is long overdue!!
So, for me the last 10 days or so of the PCP will be spent in unfamiliar territory; staying in a Tibetan colony in central Delhi, catching trains and tuk-tuks!! And enjoying amazing cuisine (hopefully not too much).
I suspect that my postings are going to be sporadic and I don't know how I'm going to keep to my diet and, not to mention the excercise ..and the plane journey! Yikes!
I'm pretty worried that all of the effort I've put into the PCP to date, might slowly come undone at the seams. I've spoken with Patrick about this and he doesnt think it will be a problem.. we'll see!
I'm hoping, I'm going to be able sustain the workouts and diets for what is probably the most important part of the PCP. It would be nice also to be able to keep up to date with you guys and your progress during that time, but I'm not sure how much internet access I will have.
Anyway fellow PCPers, let me know your thoughts on how best to keep the PCP going when I'm abroad. I'm thinking the diet will probably be okay. It just might be difficult fitting the daily workout in whilst I'm on the move. But I'm highly likely to be walking, trekking and swimming a lot anyway.
What are your plans over the holiday period?
Naomi, that sounds like so much fun! You're going to have a great experience. You've spent the last 2 months not just eating well and exercising but forming new habits and routines that I'm sure will stick with you in India. Just make it a commitment, same as it is at home...probably best to get up early and exercise first thing in the morning. It'll be a nice way to get your days going—a little touch of normal when everything else around you is totally new.
ReplyDeleteI'm just going to North Carolina for a few days at the holidays. My big trip is in February when my family is taking my nieces to Disney World for the first time. I got a voicemail from the older one tonight saying she's planning to put a coat over her head on Splash Mountain....
Wow, Naomi -- what an exciting trip! I'm sure you'll have an amazing time and hope you'll update us while you're on the road. Are you visiting any place/one of yogic significance?
ReplyDeleteAs for keeping to your PCP schedule, I would second what Emily said -- rely on those recently built habits and try to get your workouts squeezed in the mornings. Do what you can, try to make the time as you go and you'll still get the most out the final 10 PCP days. Pretty cool place to celebrate the completion of the project!
We're staying put for the holidays and keeping to a 50 mile radius of home. Most of our family is in the area, which is a good and bad thing. Good because you don't have to travel too far, bad because you've got no excuse to not see EVERYONE. There's a lot of back and forth in Dec.!
Yep loads of yoga to do whilst there, also quite a bit of travelling centrally and down south. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Look at your photos! Those muscles—amazing! Great job, Naomi!
ReplyDeleteExcellent opportunity. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteDo you best to pack healthy alternatives for the in-flight meals and keep with what your body is used to having. Don't try and mix a long flight with new foods your body is not accustomed to. Once you settle in, you can start focusing on foods in India.
While there? I would think you will have plenty of opportunity to make good choices based on the things we have been practicing.
Congrats and enjoy! Emily, is right, your updated pictures look great! You are rocking it!