Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I love the intro that the guys made me; "Naomi's going to blaze a path...". I've just finished day 1's PCP workout and I think this fiery analogy is most fitting to how I'm feeling right now; really motivated, stimulated and ready for the challenge ahead.

So this is day 1 of the PCP and I'm going to keep my blog short and sweet like today's workout plan.

I had a bad start to my day today; missing my yoga class which really put me in a bad mood. But I came home and started my workout straight away. Exercise is such amazing therapy ....it turned my mood around almost immediately.

So I put Vampire Weekend on the stereo and started my 5 sets of 50 jump rope. I actually think I did 6 sets of these as I lost count!

Note: Need to confirm with Patrick whether hop style jumps (i.e. one foot hits the ground before the other) are allowed or whether boxer-style jumping is what I should be doing.

Squats were fine as my legs are used to these from daily hatha yoga practice.

I felt the chest presses the most and really began to feel the burn at this point; my mind started to recall all of those high intensity gym sessions I used to do week in week out for the past 6 years, up until about 8 months ago when I injured my knee from too much road running.

So today’s workout took me about 30 minutes. A nice soft introduction :)

My boyfriend's on a bit of a health kick at the moment too, swimming every morning, so there's a lot of mutual encouragement already.

I ended my session with some asana for about 35 minutes and then some seated meditation. Nice!

This week's diet is based on half portions, of what we're used to eating. This sounds fine in theory but in practice a bit strange to get used to. I started eating an apple, but had to think twice about eating all of it - should I have? It’s just an apple.

And what about lettuce portions? Surely that's not included. I ate half a yogurt and left the rest in the fridge for later, but obviously I won’t want to go back to the now unappetising splodge.

Being a vegetarian I’ve never dieted before so that’s going to be the main challenge for me. I realised today that I’ve been a vegetarian for 17 years! And I still clearly remember the day when I decided to become a vegetarian at 13!

But all in all, day 1 is fine; 89 more days of increasingly harder exercise and stricter dieting – eeek!!

We’ll see how my diary compares to today’s joyous entry, 3 weeks down the line!

Wish me luck!

Note: Not happy that the spell check on this blogger is US English and keeps telling me to substitute z's for my s's!!!


  1. Naomi, I hear you on the portions. I bought an apple on the street yesterday and was like, wow, I guess I just eat half of it? I've been a vegetarian since I was 13, too (well, now a pescatarian). So how different is PCP really going to be? I guess we'll find out...

  2. Yep, eat half of everything, even the healthy stuff. It's not about the food itself. More on this later.

    As for jumpropes, jump however you like, or, even better mix it up, which will improve your timing, coordination, and mental function. I might mix in 10 different jumping techniques in a 15 minute session.

    PCPer Nate had a neat system for this:


  3. Nice to have some fellow veggies in the group! I'm also curious how much my diet will change at the end of this. Like to think I have it right, but I've been wrong before.

  4. Wonderful to hear you so motivated and incorporating your normal routines with the PCP. I managed a pretty stubborn back injury a few years ago and have focused on new ways to train and support my body instead of tear it down. I love that you seem to have this figured out.

    Yeah for core, stability and increasing levels of difficulty. Look forward to hearing more!

  5. Greetings Naomi! Welcome to PCP! I'm the vegetarian of middle group. Don't worry too much about the meal plan ('cause I refuse to call it a diet). If anything, it has help me eat better than I ever have before!

  6. Welcome to the PCP!!

    You're going to kick sass. Everything feels kind of weird at first but my mid-way it's so normal you won't even think twice.
